1. Explain a little about you.
I'm just ordinary men, who have extraordinary goals. and I was never satisfied with the achievements and accomplish the work already .. yes, this statement of all men in the world. very common .. so I said I was ordinary men.
2. Since when do you know the world of design?
Since childhood, from kindergarten .. because my brothers are all designers. they all graduated from high school in Indonesia's leading visual art. Since I was little I had known all kinds of paints and inks, and have used it, guided by their course.
3. What is your current profession? and what products you produce?
My current profession is a professional digital painter. and now I've tried the world's Clothing, I have a few employees and a sewing machine to create a T-Shirt.
4. Is it that inspired you in designing?
Nature around me.
5. Are your expectations of the design world?
Appreciation to those people who have tried hard to make original works, with respect to appropriate the money of course, give sincere praise and criticism. and do not steal the creative work of any kind. Well hopefully ...
6. What is your ideal dream next 5 years?
Personal ideals? build a dream home, buy which nev car, before the 40th pilgrimage. and add 1 more children which healthy and smart. and an obsession with Harley Davidson 1700cc Sporster.
Ideals in terms of business? Building a photo studio proffesional. handle prints and photo studios nationwide. expanding my company PT. World Washang in the field of property and commerce. Amiiin ya Rabb.
7. Who is your idol and why?The first idol
1. Umar bin Khattab, brave, protective, hard in kindness, and gentle in front of God.
2. My father, best friend of all time.
Firnadi portofolio : http://firnadi.deviantart.com/
Some of Firnadi Artwork :
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